Day 3: First time visiting the school!

What a day we had today! We woke up early and got in the car to drive to the school. Along the way we got to see all of the children in their colorful school uniforms walking to school. I was surprised to see how small the school was when we arrived. It was a small three foot concrete building in the middle of a busy city street. When we got there we walked up three flights of pitch black stairs to get to the secondary school of older students. We then began to take their pictures for our education angel sponsorship program. And boy were those kids funny! Constantly touching our hair and faces, tickling us, and making us laugh. The pictures took about 2 hours and then we took a break for lunch.

After lunch we had to drive around for a while in search of some paint supplies. We needed some new paint and brushes to paint one of the walls in our school that will soon become the CPP library! We did seem to be in that car for a quite a while, and as you can see from the picture below, David wasn't the most comfortable.

We returned to the school for a few hours after the students had left to work on some construction projects. David, Tim, Anna, and Fiona were upstairs in the classroom painting the new wall. While Natasha, Denette, and Edy were downstairs in the office trying to put some new shelves in for the water bottles.

I think we can all agree that today was exhausting but totally awesome. Meeting all of those amazing kids was the highlight of the trip, seeing the smiles on their faces makes all of the hard work worth it.

More to come!


Day 4: From teacher training to soccer...the work continues!


Day 2: The Bus Ride to Haiti